The main aim of this thesis was to identify the determinants of private project implementation
delay financed by DBE Jimma District by taking into account the factors emanated from Project
specific and external factors. The study used both qualitative and quantitative data. Primary and
Secondary data was used as evidence for the study. In case of census, the study has selected all
the financed projects (152) ranging from July, 2015 – June, 2020 for consecutive of five years.
Based on this, 135 of agricultural projects and 17 agro-processing projects were selected from
the total financed projects at DBE Jimma district. Data collected were analyzed through
descriptive statistics and by Binary Logit Model. The study found that poor project management
and poor feasibility study of the projects have positive and statistically significant effect on
project implementation delay. Therefore, the bank’s project appraisal officers shall have the
required project appraisal and analysis competencies and skills. They should get the required
trainings so that projects are properly appraised and all the appropriate investment components
of the project are incorporated in the project analysis. Concerning project management problem
of the projects, the bank has to impose project owners to recruit the required human resources
as per the suggestion by the banks appraisal study with stipulated number, knowledge and
experience requirements of human resources. Moreover concerned government bodies are also
expected to do the same in addition to providing training in order to change the wrong perceived
mind of local project owners, because employment creation and sustainability of projects to
generate national GDP are among the main goal of the projects established with all investment
policy privilege.