This study was on Impact of Horizontal Urban Expansion on Perception of Sub-Urban Agricultural Community Livelihood. Case Study, Jimma Town, Ethiopia. Expropriation is taking of land by the state for public purpose without proportionate payment of compensation. As a matter of this fact, Jimma Town is among the Ethiopian urban settings experiencing unprecedented rate of urbanization through this expansion which begging 2000GC, due to high urban population growth and expansion and opening of different governmental organization and non-governmental organization recently, Jimma Industrial park open at 1000 hectare by expropriation of 787 on 2019. To accommodate the ever-increasing of population, cities and town has expanded horizontally towards pre-urban areas. This was going by Expropriation per-urban farmers. The study done through employing the descriptive research methods, the researcher collected data based on survey of 300 households head displaced farmers from selected Kebeles of displaced farmers by using purposive and proportionate sampling techniques, those who displaced and hence whose livelihood had been adversely affected. Data sources were of both quantitative and qualitative. The data analysis was descriptive and econometrics by using Binary log it econometrics model applying Stat aversion software. The farmer‟s perception about urbanization much positively influence by household head education, compensation amount, awareness level, package relevance and negatively by land lost degree of household head affected the perception. Displacement was positive financial impact on displaced household farmers. Also, rule and regulation regarding too complex. Even though, urbanization well development, government should have done well planned, create awareness, follow displaced farmers to cut financial impacts, revise rule and regulation about compensation and pay a proportional compensation to displace all assets