Road traffic accident is amongst the leading causes for the loss of lives and property damage in
Ethiopia. The peoples, who are walking, perform daily activities, playing on the sides of the
streets or set out on long trips, have been killed and injured. This intern exerts pressure on the
economic developments of the nation. The same scenario has been reported on site under this
study. Objective of the study is to investing the risk factors for the road traffic accidents in the
Kambata Tambaro zone, on the road from Durame to Mudula. Cross-sectional type of the study
was employed in order to investigate road traffic fatalities caused for the last five years (from
September 2012 to September 20170). Necessary data were obtained from the Traffic police
office, Health institutions, road transportation office, and residents living on the roadside. Survey
methods such as focal group discussions, interview and questionnaires were employed besides
observations and review of documents. The results were presented in the form of line graphs,
tables, pie charts and figures. The finding of this study shows that the road traffic causalities
have been temporary increasing from time to time, motorized vehicle more involved in traffic
accident than the non motorized vehicle, loss of human life 16.7% injured (serious 31.0% slight
52.3%), property damage estimated cost 6.1 million due to the following factors: drivers’
maturity, skill and experience, vehicles mechanical problem, weather condition, road type and
condition, absence of speed limitation signs and bumps at the black spot increases RTAs, low
awareness of pedestrians using the road, lack of pedestrians road crossing facility and fence at
black spots led to traffic crash. However, the accidents were as a result of serious combination of
a number of factors and it is usually difficult to single out one main cause. The interaction of
human road users, the motor vehicles and the prevailing physical environmental conditions if not
agreeably managed can lead to road traffic accidents which in effect contribute to road safety
problems and challenges. Hence, it is recommended that, create road traffic awareness for road
users, Speed limits should be restricted and place appropriate road signs Special attention
should be given to the RTA black spots already identified, the stakeholders should significantly
participate in road safety management.