Extended use of substances that contain toxic contaminants like heavy metals, in industries, agriculture,
and other human activities leads to the increased release of harmful heavy metals into the environment.
Heavy metals are metallic elements that have a relatively high density (> 5 g/cm 3 ) and can induce toxicity
at a low level of exposure. A lot of such substances released into the environment end up in the aquatic
systems due to the direct discharges into water bodies and/or through run-off. Consequently, ecological
risks due to the accumulation of heavy metals in the ecosystem and human health risks as a result of the
consumption of water and foodstuffs contaminated with heavy metals have become serious concerns
worldwide. Countries like Ethiopia, with poor pollution regulatory implementation, are among those highly
affected. Jimma town, one of the oldest towns in the Southwestern part of Ethiopia, is located within the
Awetu watershed that is drained by different streams. These streams and the Gilgel Gibe reservoir receive
effluents that contain untreated solid and liquid wastes containing heavy metals that are generated from
different industries