Background: Esophageal cancer is the sixth most common causes of cancer-related mortality
world-wide. Esophagectomy remains the primary treatment for early-stage esophageal cancer.
To date, there is strong evidence to consider that locally advanced cancers should be
recommended for a multimodal treatment with a neoadjuvant chemotherapy or a combined
chemoradiotherapy (CRT) followed by surgery.
Objective:To Analyze Pattern of admission and Management Outcome of Esophageal Cancer
patients visited JMC from September 2017-August 2022.
Methods:Institutional-based cross sectional study carried out among all esophageal cancer
patients visited JMC during the study period,which starts from September 2017-August 2022,
Jimma zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia.; Data was collected by using a pre-structured
questionnaire,using an electronic data collector (Kobotoolbox) and transferred to, cleaned, and
analyzed using SPSS® Statistics, version 27 for Windows. Descriptive statistics was conducted
using frequencies and descriptives. The Pearson, and Spearman correlation analysis was used for
statistically analyzing the relation between outcome of esophageal cancer management and other
factors.A total of 52 patients’ charts were selected for this study. The overall age of the study
population ranges from 35 to 68 years (mean age of 54.5 years).From the study population, the
majority (n=29; 55.8%) of the patients were females and the males accounts for (n=23;
44.2%).The most common histologic type is squamous cell carcinoma(n=29;55.7%),and
adenocarcinoma(n=5;9.6%).The result shows that majority of the patients are those with stage
4(n=34;65.4%) and stage 3(n=18;34.6%).The commonest type of definitive surgery done for the
study population is Trans-hiatal esophagectomy(n=17;32.7%),followed by Ivor-Lewis
esophagectomy(n=2;3.8%),and McKeown esophagectomy(n=1;1.9%).With regards to the
survival of the study group,the maximum survival duration is 6 months,and the minimum is 1
Conclusion and recommendation:This study shows that patients diagnosed with esophageal
cancer have a very low survival rate which indicates early diagnosis and timely initiation of the
available treatment options are essential to improve survival of patients with esophageal cancer.
Hence, improvements in cancer control programs, including screening, prevention, timely
initiation of available treatment, and establishment of comprehensive cancer registry are
recommended.In addition,full documentation and appropriate handling of patients’ charts should
be kept in mind. Huge number of losses in patient charts should be taken seriously and
appropriate,and timely solution should be given.