Various reports reviled that mental health problems in Ethiopia account for nearly 12% of
disease burden and carry lifetime prevalence. In Ethiopia, still there is lack of awareness on
mental health, basic management skills among primary health workers and limited resources for
mental health care. Mental illness is treatable, curable and usually its indications can be
controlled efficiently through medicine and/or psychiatric aid. However, various issues influence
treatment effectiveness, and even determine the way mental health is practiced. Thus, this study
aims to explore the role of social support and caregivers for the treatment effectiveness of people
with mental illness outpatients in Jimma University Specialized Teaching Hospital psychiatric
clinic. An institutional based cross sectional study design with psychiatric outpatients, focus
group discussion and key informant interviews were conducted in describing and explaining the
role of social support and caregivers for treatment effectiveness of mental illness. The
quantitative data was collected from 302 PWMI outpatients and 98 caregivers in the psychiatric
clinic of JUSTH. Next, qualitative data was also collected from 18 psychiatrists and clinical
nurses. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentages
mean distribution and correlations) and the statistical analysis tool SPSS (Version 20) was also
utilized for inferential statistical analysis (Chi-square). On the other hand, qualitatively obtained
data was analyzed by interpreting and explaining of words and terms of respondents. Patients
with good social support systems and patient who have caregivers showed better treatment
effectiveness within expected dates of illness recovery. In addition, the socio-demographic
characteristics of patients as well as caregivers had association with the effectiveness of
psychiatric patients’ treatment. Raising the awareness of the community on the roles of
emotional, interpersonal and economic supports and caregivers is essential. Additionally,
raising awareness of the community about the relations of socio-demographic characteristics of
patients as well as caregivers with the effectiveness of psychiatric patients’ treatment is vital.