The effects of particle shape on the polarizability, absorption coefficient, and absorption cross sections of randomly oriented particles as the function of distribution
function are studied in the Rayleigh limit. In particular, the validity of the so-called
statistical approach are investigated. In this approach it is assumed that the scattering and absorption properties of irregularly shaped particles can be simulated by
the average properties of a distribution of simple shapes. Polarizability, absorption
coefficient, and the absorption cross sections as functions of distribution function of
ellipsoidal metallic particles are compared one another. Moreover, the imaginary part
of polarizability, absorption coefficient and absorption cross-section as the function
of distribution function are derived analytically. As the result, the imaginary part
of polarizability, absorption cross-section and absorption coefficient versus frequency
curve of different shapes of nano-ellipsoidal metallic dielectric host materials by varying distribution function parameter (δ) with the constant value of relative phonon
damping constant (Γ) are explained. And also by varying relative phonon damping
constant (Γ) with the constant value of distribution function parameter (δ) are described. The polarizability, absorption coefficient and absorption cross-section; versus
frequency curve with the variation of distribution parameter delta (δ) and damping
constant(Γ)are studied graphically. In general, the effect of distribution function parameter (δ) and relative phonon damping constant (Γ) on polarizability, absorption
coefficient and absorption cross-section of ellipsoidal metallic particles are discussed
briefly by using graphs.