Evaluating the performance of irrigation systems is to identify management practices
and systems that should be effectively implemented to improve the irrigation
efficiency. This study was carried out at Jida Irrigation project with the objectives of
characterization of the project, analysis and performance evaluation of Jidda
irrigation project. This study primarily focuses on the technical characterizing the
scheme, as well as technical and economic performance evaluation of JIP, assessing
the determinants of intensity of irrigation water use. The results are expected to be
useful for policy makers and different organizations that are involved in the promotion
of irrigation development in the region and at national level, contribute baseline
information for further studies on economic aspects of irrigation water use, determine
the willingness of the users to maintain, keep and manage the scheme element
determinants of irrigation water used decisions and would add to the existing stock of
knowledge on irrigation that may important for researchers.While conducting this
study primary and Secondary data was made to visualize the study area. The scheme
performance evaluation was made by comparing the functionality of the structures
with the design and by measuring the canals discharge capacity using performance
indicators such as conveyance, application, storage and over all irrigation project
efficiencies along with the water productivity in terms of water use efficiency
respectively. Average conveyance, application and storage efficiencies were obtained
as 75.68%, 56% and 54.3% respectively. Productivity of the cropping system can be
improved by minimizing water losses. Therefore, the major recommendations are
forwarded for sustainable resource utilization. Preparation of extra drainage system
is necessary for the scheme to avoid accumulation of excess water in the lower spots
that leads to deep percolation loss