dc.description.abstract |
This study was conducted on assessing the market information among the vegetable producers in
some Selected woredas of Jimma zone. To attain the objectives of the study, a descriptive survey
design was applied; the study was carried out through a mixed approach in which both
quantitative and qualitative data were concurrently analyzed. The three districts were identified
on the basis of the top in vegetable production and the population of this study encompasses
vegetable (Tomatoes, Potatoes, and Cabbage) producers, development agents, and agricultural
bureau of (Gomma, Manna, and Kersa) woredas. In order to find the study participants, a multi stage sampling was applied. From the total population of 378 vegetable producers, 194 sample
size was determined by using the standard probability sampling formula and proportionality. To
collect the desired data, instruments like questionnaires, interviews, and FGDs were applied. An
attempt has been made to identify the various patterns of awareness, sources, utilization, and its
benefits, constraint, and expectations to agricultural marketing information among the vegetable
producers. The data analysis tools used were frequency, percentages, and multiple regression.
From the findings of the research study, it was revealed that the degree of awareness on prices
in local markets placed the I Rank (first) followed by arrivals in local markets, arrivals, and
prices in reference markets (III Rank).From among the variables of challenges, availability of
transportation, economic level of the households, level of education, lack of training and
awareness, interference of traders, distance from the center, fluctuation of vegetable prices, and
accessibility of technology were seen as the high challenges faced by the households of these
sample woredas (districts).There was a strong relationship between vegetable producer’s
awareness of agricultural market information and vegetable producer’s practices and utilization
of market information with r=0.848. Finally, the researcher recommended that agriculture and
trade offices should facilitate conditions in which households apply market information to sell
their vegetables at reference markets. The households should be provided awareness about
market information, in which households are going to use their mobile phones and other
accessibility to be well informed about market information in order to sell their products at
reference market with better price. |
en_US |