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Designing and Implementing Amharic Text Based Virtual Maternity Assistant Chatbot Using Ensemble Learning Models

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dc.contributor.author Eyayu Nigatu
dc.contributor.author Getachew Mamo
dc.contributor.author Samuel Daba
dc.date.accessioned 2022-07-25T12:13:03Z
dc.date.available 2022-07-25T12:13:03Z
dc.date.issued 2022-06
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.ju.edu.et//handle/123456789/7443
dc.description.abstract The healthcare sector is closely associated with human interaction, and it seems that counterintuitive conversational AI applications like Chatbots are more prevalent. There are some established maternal health care assistance virtual agents (conversational AI bot) as a global standard. However, they are not fully compatible with various countries in case of language variation and contexts of user’s living standards. In this study, Amharic text based chatbot system is proposed for assisting maternity using ensemble learning technique so as to enable pregnant women assess the maternal condition in a more human like way. The proposed system’s architecture is designed to reply relevant answers to the user’s text input. It is designed based on accepting user’s text input via GUI chat interface and then text preprocessing (text normalization and cleaning, tokenization and stop word removing) and word embedding (bag-of words) tasks are applied. Then ensemble model makes intent classification or prediction, and finally retrieves a text (response). Investigation is carried out to develop the ensemble model for intent classification. The proposed single MLP model achieved about 100% accuracy on the training dataset and about 67.1% accuracy on the test dataset. Repeating evaluation of the model, however, revealed that the model has a variance in its prediction. The average of the sample is found about 67.2% with a standard deviation of about 1.3%. Therefore, model averaging of ensemble learning technique is applied to both reduce the variance of the model and possibly reduce the generalization error of the model. A sensitivity analysis of the number of ensemble members is investigated to know how it impacts test accuracy. It is found that the performance improves to about five members, and the average performance of a five-member ensemble on the dataset is 67.3%. This is very close to the average of 67.2% seen for the single model. The important difference is the standard deviation shrinking from 1.3% for a single model to 0.6% with a five-member ensemble. This implies that averaging the same model trained on the same dataset gives us a spread for improved reliability, a property often highly desired in a final model to be used operationally. As a future work, investigation needs to consider Amharic lemmatizer or stemmer as text preprocessing, and getting more and better quality data. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Artificial Intelligent, Conversational bot, Maternal health, Ensemble learning, Amharic Text, NLP, Word embedding, Multi-layer perceptron en_US
dc.title Designing and Implementing Amharic Text Based Virtual Maternity Assistant Chatbot Using Ensemble Learning Models en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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