dc.description.abstract |
The general objective impacts of the study were to assess the impacts of koga irrigation project on
household‘s income diversification and foods security in Mecha Woreda. This study based on the
data gathered from users and non-users of irrigation; this part of the issue was not sufficiently
discussed before for this specific study area. The objective of the study was to assess the role of
Koga irrigation project implementation on the income improvement of irrigation user and non-user
households through income diversification. To attain this research objective, both primary and
secondary data was collected through qualitative and quantitative .technique, Survey questionnaires
for quantitative data and group discussion and interview for qualitative data were applied.it was
covered 235 sample households by systematic random from total the population of 1980 and two
rural kebeles namely kudmi and Ambomesk selected by purposive sampling from the total
sample households 122 users and 113 non-users descriptive statistical for presented and analysis
of the data revealed that farm sizes of irrigation users was smaller than non-users but productivity
of the farm plots was greater than that of non-users ,i.e., the farm size of the sample irrigators and
non-irrigators were 0.833 and 0.958 ha per households respectively. The average labor productivity
of the irrigators was 55.13 quintals per households while the non-irrigators were 35 quintals per
households. Moreover, the average productivity of their farm land was 34.45 quintals per hectares
per year for irrigators and 21 quintals for non- irrigators. Following this the average annual income
of the irrigators was 68,034 birr per year per households while for non-irrigators were 47,966 birr
per year per household which means by less than 20,000 birr per year per households. Therefore,
the data showed the positive impact/role of irrigation in improving the annual income of irrigation
users in the study area. Integrated Water shade management must be the primary objective for
those who are responsible to deliver sustainable water discharge in the dam, and also attention
should be given for sustainable market for production. |
en_US |