Jimma University Open access Institutional Repository

Optimizing Power and design Storage System of an Oxygen Concentrator Machine for Primary Health Care

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dc.contributor.author Geremew, Shibre
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-06T12:49:32Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-06T12:49:32Z
dc.date.issued 2024-12-18
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.ju.edu.et//handle/123456789/9363
dc.description.abstract Oxygen is a vital medical gas used to manage hypoxia resulting from various diseases, trauma, and health conditions. Oxygen concentrators extract oxygen from the air, providing essential support to patients with low blood oxygen levels. However, access to these devices in primary healthcare facilities remains limited, particularly due to power requirements and insufficient oxygen production capabilities. This study aims to optimize the power efficiency and oxygen output of oxygen concentrators for use in primary healthcare settings. A preliminary assessment in the Jimma Zone, Ethiopia, employed surveys, interviews, and observations to evaluate the existing infrastructure, patient load, oxygen demand patterns, and power supply constraints. The study explored the feasibility of solar-powered systems and low-pressure oxygen reservoirs as reliable oxygen sources in areas with limited electricity. Using the Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) software, we designed an optimal hybrid renewable energy system combining solar photovoltaics and a diesel generator. The simulation demonstrated that a 12 V, 83.4 Ah lead-acid battery and a 1 kW solar panel system could power the oxygen concentrator for up to 21 hours, generating 19,684 kWh of electricity annually. The total net present cost (NPC) for the solar system was $17,400.57, compared to $223,038 for the diesel generator over 25 years. System 1, featuring a 12.6 kW PV and 19 kWh battery, is fully renewable with significantly lower operating costs. Additionally, a low-oxygen storage system using an oxygen concentrator can store 2,400 liters of oxygen per minute for 8 hours. This study highlights the potential of solar energy to sustainably power oxygen concentrators in low-resource settings, offering cost-effective solutions, environmental benefits, and improved healthcare outcomes en_US
dc.publisher Jimma University en_US
dc.subject Hypoxia management, Primary healthcare, renewable energy, HOMER, Low Pressure Reservoir, Oxygen Concentrator en_US
dc.title Optimizing Power and design Storage System of an Oxygen Concentrator Machine for Primary Health Care en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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