The future development and success of academic libraries depends greatly on how they hold
technology in their operations mainly in the management of electronic resources. The main aim
of this study was to assess Electronic Resources Management on Service Delivery in Ethiopian
academic Libraries. The methodology employed to conduct this study was cross sectional survey
research and the respondents’ drawn from Addis Ababa, Adama Science and Technology and
Jimma University librarians. Purposive sampling method was used to select samples from study
population, study areas and samples for interview. Data for the study was collected through
questionnaire, face-to-face interview and observation. The available e-resources in different
universities in Ethiopia were similar in feature, purpose and objectives but differently managed
in academic libraries. The main results of the research show that the availability of electronic
resource management standard, budget, instruction or comprehensive guide and proper channel
to make users aware needs great attention. The majority of the respondents indicated that the
factor that affect e-resource management on service delivery of e-resources is the absence of eresource management standards with M= 3.52, SD= 1.562. The ways to manage electronic
resources and services to the end users vary from the past practices. To meet the end-users need,
the academic libraries need to identify and adopt good management practices. Thus, preparing
guidelines in a standardized way based on the best practices employed by libraries is significant
which will ultimately enhance the value based services of academic libraries.