In this thesis we analyze a nondegenerate three-level cascade laser with cavity mode
coupled to a two-mode squeezed vacuum reservoir with the aid of master equation, We obtain the stochastic differential equations associated with the normal ordering,correlations of the noise force and the solutions of the resulting differential
equations.Applying the solutions of the resulting differential equations.we calculate
quadrature variances, photon entanglement Photon number correlations,normalized
second-order correlation functions and fluctuation of intensity difference for the cavity modes.We also determine the mean photon number sum and difference and the
photon number variance sum and difference for the two mode cavity light employing
the Q function.We study the squeezing properties and entanglement of the two mode
cavity light.It turns out that the generated light exhibits a two-mode squeezing and entanglement when initially there are more atoms in the lower level.Moreover,a strong
correlation between photon numbers along with a significant fluctuation in the intensity difference is found.