Irrespective of whether Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is cored with Supermassive Blackholes (SMBH)or not, there is a general consensus that observations indicate that the AGN
plays role in hosting galaxy evolution. The accretion disc powered fueling of the AGN
and counter-feedback on its environment in the form of stress-energy-momentum along the
radial component and an associated polodial jets seems viable model. On the theoretical
ground there is no unified theory that compromise the observations. But there are pull
of such diverse physics simulated to describe the observational works. So, there is unsettled theoretical framework how the activity of the AGN plays role in the evolution of host
galaxy. Motivated by this we studied the role of AGN on its host galaxy evolution where
General relativistic (GR) Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equation is considered to derive
radial pressure that invokes star forming cold gases. Methodologically the central engine
of the AGN is considered with SMBH/pseudo-SMBH. Locally, around the AGN, Reissner -
Nordstrom de-Sitter metric is considered that reduces to the Schwarzschoild-de Sitter (SdS)
background. Geometrically, a simple spherical geometry is superimposed with central disc
structure assumed by cored void mass ablating model. The results of the work indicates
that the AGN plays role in galaxy evolution, especially in the nearby environment. Also we
report that the adjacent envelope to the AGN seems quiet with no activity in formation.