The purpose of this study was to examines major reasons for couples to cohabit, their
adjustment problems and consequences for social acceptance, among Jimma resident.
This study use a qualitative methods research design and to support the research
statically quantitative method was employed by using purposive sampling techniques
were used to select the samples of the study. Hence, using a survey data from 40
cohabiters and a semi-structured interview with 6 cohabiters, the study explored major
reasons for cohabitation, and faced adjustment problems and effects of cohabitation on
social acceptance. The quantitative data analysis was done using descriptive statistics,
and chi-square and the qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analytic approach.
According to the findings of the study shows that the main reason for cohabitation are:
spending more time together, testing relationship, financial considerations, because of
baby care, plans for marriage and pregnancy and the adjustment problems of cohabiting
couples relationship distress and religious matter or difference in faith, disagreement.
And consequences of social acceptance of cohabiting couples have lower social
acceptance. The qualitative study showed that cohabitation increases the emotional and
physical attachment of couples by relationship have less satisfied compared to married.
However, the study identified that cohabitation is associated with lower commitment and
insecurity in the relationship.