Today’s world students are affected in campus life and it is most serious and
unnoticed problems in student’s educational performance. Therefore the
objective of this study is to identify the impact of peer influence, substance use
like chat and alcohol drink and romantic relationship and freedom impact son
academic achievement among jimmaUniversityCollege of social science in 2008
academic year. The study design employed was mixed type where quantitative
data was emphasized and the qualitative data was used to illustrate the
qualitative data. Descriptivesurvey methods using questionnaire and key
informant interview was conducted to collect the data. Campus life implication
on academic achievement of students among regular students of social science
of jimmaUniversity was assessed using cross sectional study in 2008 E.C
The finding shows that from total of 55 respondents 44(80%) the majority were
found as peer pressure negatively affect academic achievements. Regarding the
substance use 43(78.12%) the study show that of them negatively affected and
romantic relationship 42(76%) and freedom 35(60%) affect academic
achievement negatively. Campus life impacts was high for academic
achievement of students although the majority of the students are negatively
associate the factors with academic achievements. Therefore all concerned
bodies should take part and work hand in hand in controlling and coping the