Road constructing in Ethiopia is increasingly in demand to meet its medium and long term
development programs. Roads are constructed radiating from the metropolis of Addis Ababa
towards the Western direction. Some portions along the alignment proposed and existing roads
traversed low resistance of the subgrade that affect the stability of upper layers of pavements.
Structural deteriorations are observed on Flexible Pavements, would it be constructed by good
quality or low quality of materials.
Flexible pavement roads in Ethiopia often deteriorate in different ways, because of the harsh
climatic conditions, lack of proper design and quality control, sudden increasing of traffic due to
the construction of different industries, high loads and inadequate assessment for identifying causes
of deteriorate before carrying out Maintenance and rehabilitation.
Bako to Nekemte Project which was completed in 2013 observed there were deterioration that
needs to be addressed and a corresponding remedial measures must be drawn. Hence, a desk
study, letter correspondence review, field visual inspection and in-depth field investigation have
been undertaken to identify the causes of flexible Pavement deterioration. A possible remedial
measures had been organized for every observed failure or deterioration to obtain normal
pavement condition of the study area.
An investigation was made by using laboratory and field test to determine the adequacy of the
underlain material to serve as a subgrade, sub base course and base course for road
construction based on project specifications and Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) Specification.
The investigation covered field tests to determine the in-situ condition of the road materials
while laboratory tests on representative samples were extracted from site to determine the
engineering properties of soil materials and to compare test results with the existing conditions
of pavement layers.
From the field tests and laboratory tests carried out, it is observed that the causes of flexible
pavement deterioration of this road section are mainly due to the inadequacy of existing
thickness of the base layer for the current traffic loading, engineering properties of the
pavement layers material, poor method of construction, poor design quality and lack of side
drainage. To reduce more damage for this road section reconstruction of the base and
providing proper drainage at the deteriorated sections must be required.
Raveling, pumping, potholes, edge cracking and rutting are the most dominant type of
deteriorations along Bako-Nekemte road section. It is expected that the results of this research
will provide useful information about all causes of flexible pavement deteriorations and its
remedial measures for the Bako-Nekemte road section.