More proactively good road design and well-developed traffic management measures
produce roads which are safer and which are less likely to develop as black spots.
However, Addis Ababa - Jimma road, especially Gibe Bridge to Deneba road segment,
among the roads and trails built and improved during the five years Italian occupation, at
that time, considered to represent the optimum route as it was, today the road lacked
most of the modern highway location, geometric design and construction features
desirable for present day traffic volume, large size, heavy weight and high-speed traffic.
These road segment, consists of 6m and 6.5m wide narrower road section and several
narrower bridges are located in sharp horizontal curves, the curve length accounts
50.9% of the route, the existence of 56.24% of curves radii below 40m including all of the
seven switch-back curves and 57.8% of the vertical alignment fall into 5%-10% grade.
To alleviate these deficiencies, ERA conducted rehabilitation measures without major
changes, except re-alignment of the road from station km 268+954 to 302+170 and the
widening of existing 6m carriageway width to 6.5m to 7m in most parts of the route.
However, still there is a traffic crash occurrence, particularly on Gibe bridge to Deneba
road segment which has causing a significant human life loss with traffic crash rate of
1.57 and huge estimated property damages cost of 179,343.49 ETB/Km in five years of
2003-2007 E.F.Y for the road users as well as highway structures re-location/replacement costs of ETB 41,673,094.63 in four years of 2012-2015 G.C for the
government are noticeable on the route mostly due to the initial geometric design
deficiencies of the road.
In order to address these problems, this research was done by reviewing traffic accident
data of 11 Woredas and 3 City Administrations Police Offices, As-built Design Drawings,
Tender and Final Project Reports of the existing Addis-Jimma Road Rehabilitation
Project, traffic count data of the past 5 years and highway drainage crossing structures
relocation cost of the past 4 years. The current ERA and AASHTO geometric design
manuals as well as previous studies were also reviewed having access to the information
in other countries in order to understand the existing knowledge and experiences.
Comparative analysis was applied to characterize the collected data to investigate the
deficiencies of geometric design attributes and highway drainage crossing structures
relocation cost on the route by dividing the route into three segments, to identify the
black-spot road segment by crash rate and property damages cost by dividing the route
into four road segments. GIS based least cost route selection analysis was conducted by
giving influence factor of 60% for slope and 40% for stream order. Finally, short-term
(low-cost) and long-term (high-cost) engineering interventions including GIS based most
appropriate route corridor selection (by the least cost path method using computer
application of ArcGIS version 10 software) which can minimizes road traffic accident,
travel time cost, vehicle operation and maintenance cost and highway structure
maintenance cost has been recommended.