The main aim of this study is to assess the trend of squatter settlement and its impacts on urban
development in Jimma city. To achieve the goal of the research, a descriptive research design
and a mixed research approach was employed to achieve the objective of this study. A
questionnaire, interview, and focus group discussion were used to collect primary data.
Secondary data were collected from various sources such as articles, books, offices of the kebele,
documents and online resources. From the total of 17 kebeles in Jimma city, Ginjo Kebele, Seto
semero and Boche bore were selected purposively on the basis of the major expansion of squatter
settlements and its contribution to unplanned city expansion. After the collection of the necessary
information has been completed, the quantitative data was presented in the form of table, chart
and graph and the qualitative data was presented in the form of words, sentences, or text. The
findings of the study showed that squatter settlements are increasing from 2016 to 2017 E.C.
After showing slight decrease in 2018, squatter settlement expanded in 2019 and 2020 in Jimma
city. . Lack of affordable housing, increasing land prices, profit motive, rising housing rent, lack
of electricity and water supply, problem of personal hygiene, and poverty were considered as
socio-economic factors that contributes to the expansion of squatter settlements. Inability to
afford the price of land in the formal land market, lack of legal ownership, poor living standard
housing condition, exposure to the flooding problem, and unplanned expansions of the City were
considered as the negative impact of squatter settlement on social and economic development of
Jimma city. The city administration should continuously create awareness to the community
concerning the forth coming negative impact on the development of the city and the government
should have to revise its urban land policy.