The major objective of this study was to investigate the socio-cultural dimensions of Tana
Beles Integrated Sugar Project (TBISP) induced displacement of Kulisi community in
Amhara Regional State (AMRS). The study underpinned by a constructivist paradigm used a
qualitative case study with specific data collection techniques such as an in-depth interview,
FGD, observation and key informant interview and document review. The study employed
purposive participant selection technique and thematic analysis to identify the themes. The
participants of this study were key informants fromJawi district administration anTBISP and
Kulisi community members displaced .Precautions were taken to keep the confidentiality and
anonymity, and right not to be harmed and exploited. For the purpose of assuring the
trustworthiness of the data member checking, peer reviewing, and within method
triangulation were employed. The finding of this study showed that TBISP induced
displacement has brought both positive and negative consequences but the downsides
outweigh the upsides. The major impacts include a harmonious social relationship between
Kulisi and Amhara in the residence area, persistent discordance with Amhara and Gumuz
community in the farm place, inter-household and intra-familial emotional detachment, poor
social service, weakening of cultural identity, morality challenges and gender based violence.
The finding also demonstrated that the displacement process was high-handedly implemented
and indigenous factors were overlooked and there were no an integrated reconstruction
efforts. Finally, it has been indicated that this study has numerous implication to social work
education, research, policy and practice.