Solar energy is aspired to be one of the most promising sources of energy in the future due to the
step-up depletion of fossil fuels. Nowadays, solar irrigation technologies play a vital role in
enhancing poverty and food insecurity in a developing country. This thesis presents a transient
performance analysis of a solar dish concentrator integrated with Stirling and a thermoelectric
generator for the small-scale irrigation system.The estimation of solar radiation was carried out
based on the sunshine hour model using Angstrom-Prescott Correlation. The predicted solar
data is compared with dif erent software packages, and the site has a remarkable solar radiation
for an irrigation system. EES code is used for design calculation and performance analysis of
solar dish concentrator at dif erent operating parameters. Increasing beam solar radiation
increases outlet fluid temperature, useful heat, and thermal ef iciency of the concentrator. At
1000 W/m2
, the outlet fluid temperature and thermal ef iciency found to be 488.2 K and 81.23%, respectively. On the other hand, heat flux and temperature distribution at the concentrator focal
plane are carried out through SolTrace and COMSOL software. The thermoelectric module is
coupled at the top of the concentrator receiver, and the hot side of the module is utilized to
harvest useful heat. The Multiphysics analysis shows that at the operational temperature of
488.15K on the hot side of the module, TEG's maximum conversion ef iciency achieved is
5.366% with a 0.7256 figure of merit. Transient performance prediction of the thermal Stirling
pump was carried out for the selected irrigation period, and thermal ef iciency of the Stirling
reaches a maximum in May with 18.61%. The Stirling output power and pump flow rate varies
with a solar time, and the maximum found at noontime for all selected irrigation season.The
system simultaneously provides 11.01 W electrical power through TEG at electrical ef iciency of
3.715% and a flow rate of 3.917 m3
/hr through a thermal Stirling pump at a thermal ef iciency of
27.93% for a given heat source temperature of 488.15 K. Life cycle cost analysis is performed to
compare the proposed system with solar PV and diesel water pumping systems. The result shows
that the proposed system is an appropriate and economically feasible for small scale irrigation