Landslides are deceitful natural disasters, resulting in the loss of human life, collapse of engineering
structures, and the natural environment on the earth. Therefore, the aims of this study to assess, predict
and mapping of susceptible landslide hazard map using GIS based software. Six landslide causative
factors including aspect, distance from stream, lithology, plan curvature, slope and elevation selected as
influencing factor for landslide occurrences. The landslide frequency ratio calculated using the
probability technique. The controlling elements graded using a statistical and frequency ratio
methodology based on GIS. The landslide hazard map shows 27% (4.8 km2
) is no-danger zone, with
588 (41%) families living there. A medium to landslide danger zone covers 29% (5.2 km2
), with 555
families (38.7%) living. A low-risk landslide zone covers 23% (4.1 km2
), with 228 (16%) families living.
A high-risk landslide zone covers 21% (3.8 km2
), with 61 (4.3%) families living. The prediction rate of
all factors revealed that, the highest landslide occurrence associated with Lithology and plan curvature.
When these are added with high rainfall intensity, the magnitude of the landslide increases. The highest
prediction accuracy of 89.58% found from combination of all causative factors which depicts how well
the model and factors accurately forecast landslides.