The road networks are system of interconnected carriageways which are designed for
transportation where their performances are influenced by proper provision of drainage system.
This study has evaluated the integration of road network and urban storm water drainage system
with the help of topographic map. The study particularly focused on flood prone areas with specific
to main road and its feeding roads in Bishoftu City. The objective of this study was to evaluate the
integration of road network and drainage system for the occurrence of flooding. Exploratory and
descriptive types of research design with qualitative data type were used to describe and
investigate the existing condition, coverage and level of integration of road and drainage system.
Data collected using observation and interview for primary data source and document review for
secondary data source were used to collect information and have been analyzed qualitatively.
Interpretations have been done based on the common points and conceptualizing and explaining
issues interrelated to one another in the themes. The analysis was mainly descriptive and the
information collected from both primary and secondary sources were processed with the help of
Microsoft excel, AutoCAD and ArcGIS software’s and the analyzed data were presented using
tables, figures, chart, percentage, and graphs. The study was conducted from July to October,
2021 and strongly evaluated the integration of road and drainage infrastructure those feeding to
main road for their causes to flooding and found that there is poor integration. Road surface
drainage of the study area was found to be inadequate due insufficient road profile ranging from
no cross fall to maximum of 1.5%, insufficient drainage structures provision, improper
maintenance and lack of proper interconnection between the road and drainage infrastructures.
The study recommended that there should be enough space for storm runoff to travel to its
destination and conveyance channels as well as culverts should be adequately designed and
properly reconstructed as well as regular maintenance of both road and drainage lines are found
to be appropriate to mitigate the problem. City wide structural plan and urban flood drainage
database management system has to be prepared in all sections of the road and drainage
integration to solve the harmful impacts of flooding in city