Zebra marked crosswalk is the most common types of road crossings on urban and rural streets. According to previous stud ies, accidents are frequently occurred on and around marked crosswalk. Assessment on crosswalk utilization, pedestrian
crossing speed and modeling the crossing speed were the main goals of this study. The road crosser data were collected by
video recording for the sake of its convenience. Road-crosser behaviors were extracted manually. Three road segments of
15 m length with zebra marked crosswalks were selected as a representative location for this study. The video was recorded
in three diferent working days and two times per day, that represented high and low pedestrian movements. The duration for
recording and observation was 15 min per segment. There were 494 pedestrians (37%) observed while crossing illegally from
1350 road crosser pedestrians. The extracted data were analyzed to determine the infuence of human factors on crosswalk
utilization and crossing speed on 323 pedestrians. The results showed that human factors did not infuence the crosswalk
utilization preference of pedestrians. However, human factors such as gender, number of elders, crossing group, activities
and baggage had signifcant infuence on the road crossing speed. A predictive model was developed using multiple linear
regression for crossing speed.