Analyze the low flow in Gheba river and identify their low flow characteristic for better
management and operation of reservoir & water resource as general were estimated by
low flow frequency analysis and flow duration curve approaches to the selected 7 days
annual minimum flow observed at four stations with an average of 17 years record
length. Goodness-of-fit tests, including L-moment methods for regional data, were used
to determine the best distributions. Gheba river watershed is the sub-basin of the Tekeze
river basin and situated in the northern part of Ethiopia, Tigray Regional State. The total
drainage area of Gheba up to the junction to Tekeze is about 5163 km2 and it is
characterized by a minimum elevation of 1311 m, with a maximum of 3065m a.s.l. The
main problem in the Gheba river basin is that the watershed is ungauged and also water
resources in the basin are scarce due to continuously climate change and deforestation.
The aim of this study was to estimate the low flow quantile and the low flow frequency
growth curve using the statistical parameters were computed using EASY FIT computer
program. Accordingly Gheba river sub basin has been divided in to two homogeneous
regions. The region one of the basin includes the stations Gheba and Suluh and region
two encloses the stations of Agulae and Ilala. The Generalized Logic distribution
provides a good fit to low flows in the region one, while the generalized extreme value
distribution fitted well in the region two. And the frequency curve for a return period of T
was developed for both regions of low flow. On the basis of flow duration curve the flow
duration curve indices for low flow of the basin Q60, Q70, Q80, Q90, Q95 and Q100,
were quantified. For more certain on the results of this study, further studies are required
on the points which are not assessed due to scarce of data, like effect of regionalization
by topographic and climatic parameters and the ground water contributions of the
Generally this study contains the information required for the development of water
resource projects on the sub basin.