The Furuta pendulum, also known as a rotational inverted pendulum, is an illustration of
a robotic manipulator system. It can be identified as a serial chain of robotic manipulator
arms. The arm and pendulum, a motor, and two bars make up the bulk of the Furuta
pendulum system. The Furuta pendulum is an unstable, under-actuated dynamic system,
making it difficult to balance it around its inverted position while also stabilizing it in the
vertically upright position from its initial position based on its pendant position under
model imperfection and unknown plant parameters. The Furuta Pendulum's variable-gain
super-twisting sliding mode controller is the subject of this research. A new sliding surface
is developed as part of the Fuzzy Logic-Based Variable Gains Super Twisting Sliding Mode
Controller for the Furuta Pendulum. The rotary arm and underactuated pendulum
variables are used to define this surface. To design a variable-gain super-twisting
controller, a nonlinear model Furuta pendulum system has been taken into account. A fuzzy
logic method is used to adjust the control gains in the proposed controller. Using the
Lyapunov stability criterion, the stability of the entire system has been examined. The
Inverted pendulum’s RMSE performance of the proposed scheme is 5% superior to
FBSTSA, 78.05% superior to PID-STA. Also, the rotary arm’s RMSE performance of the
proposed scheme is 85% superior to FBSTSA, 26%, and superior to PID-STA. Moreover,
the convergence time (CT) measure of the presented FBVGSTA technique is 87.21%
superior to FBSTSA and 86.35% superior to PID-STA. The simulation results are presented
to illustrate the efficacy of the controller. MATLAB and Simulink are used for simulation.