In this thesis alpha induced reactions on stable isotopes of Zinc for energies of alpha below
50MeV were studied. Experimentally measured excitation function obtained from EXFOR
data source IAEA, for the isotopes 64 30Zn(α, p)67 31Ga, 68 30Zn(α, n)71 32Ge, 64 30Zn(α, n + p)66 31Ga,
30Zn(α, p)73 31Ga and 68 30Zn(α,3n)69 32Ge were used to compare with the theoretical calculation
for understanding how well the calculation able to admit the experiment providing a theoretical explanation of the excitation functions based on the COMPLET code calculation was
the major objective of the thesis. For the theoretical calculation the COMPLET code has
been employed. The level density parameter(k) was varied to get good agreement between the
theoretical and measured data. The COMPLET code for both compound nuclear reactions
and pre-equilibrium reactions. The relation-ships of alpha-energy and reaction cross-section
have been plotted as excitation functions and the correlation was explained. The result shows
relatively higher energy parts of excitation functions are dominated by pre-equilibrium reaction mechanism, whereas the low energy parts are dominated by compound nucleus reaction
mechanism. When the incident alpha energy increases the pre-equilibrium reaction is more
significant. The experimental excitation function agrees well with the theoretical calculations
in most of the energy region. The thesis may raise interest and could be a resource for further
study on excitation function of alpha induced reaction on Zinc stable isotopes.