The aim of this study was to assess livelihoods challenges and livelihood adaptation
strategies of the resettlee households in Didessa woreda, with an emphasis on resettlement
site. The researcher employed concurrent triangulation design in current study. The study
employed with cross-sectional study design phase of data collection. Multiple stages random
sampling technique was employed to identify and the respondents. In the first stage of
sampling, the two kebele were selected purposively from four settlement sites .In the second
stage of sampling, systematic proportional to size sampling technique was applied to each
kebele and 113 samples, households were drawn from these based on the proportion of the
population size. Data were generated both from primary and secondary sources. Quantitative
data were gathered through questionnaire and Qualitative data were collected via in-depth
interview, key informant interview, observation and focus group discussion. Data were
analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as mean, percentage, standard deviation.
Inferential statistics Binary logistic regression was conducted to identify factors affecting
livelihood adaptation strategies of the households. The descriptive result reveals that about
74.1% of the respondents livelihood strategies involved only farming that comprised crop
and livestock production while (20.4%)of the respondents involved on non-farming, only
4.4% replied that engaged with combination of both farming and non-farming as their
livelihood strategies. The study also showed that the resettlee face several challenges such
as reduced access to land, un employment, migration, population growth, absence of credit
services, and limited access to safe and clean water. Adaptation strategies adopted by the
households includes migration, petty trade, daily labor; labor sharing and sell of small
animals are the major adaptation strategies in the study area. The Binary logistic regression
result revealed, with respect to the households livelihood adaptation strategies were affected
positively by sex, age, education, family size, landholding, livestock ownership, lack of credit
services and un-employment. The study conclude that households livelihood adaptation
strategies were influenced by socio-economic, demographic and institutional factors are
making it difficult to rebuild their livelihood was emphasized during interviews and affected
the adaptation strategies of households in areas.Thus,their adaptation strategies needs to be
supported by institutional services. Moreover, supporting household, promoting awareness
on sex and age, creating education opportunities, offering credit and extension services for
less landholding, livestock ownership, family size and un- employment. Finally this help
households to change livelihood adaptation strategies. The study recommends that
government should establish small scale industries in rural area. These small industries
should provide market, creatawareness, enhancing elder farmer knowledge, employment
opportunity. Hence the livelihood will improve at the same will control mobility. Expanding
non-farm opportunities in rural areas outside of agriculture also help to reduce the migration
of rural dwellers to the cities, and to slow the spread of urban congestion.