Water treatment is the primary consideration before utilizing water for di erent purposes. Surface water is highly vulnerable to
pollution, either due to natural or anthropogenic processes. e main targets of this study were to investigate surface water
treatment using Moringa Oleifera (MO), the electrocoagulation process (EC), and the Moringa Oleifera assisted electrocoagulation
process (MOAEC). e Moringa Oleifera, EC process, and Moringa Oleifera-assisted EC process are e ective mechanisms for the
removal of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), phosphate, TSS
(Total Suspended Solids), and color from surface water. Di erent operating parameters such as pH (5–11), the dosage of coagulant
(0.2–0.5 g), contact time or reaction time (20–50 minutes), current (0.2–0.5 A), and settling time (5–20 minutes) were considered.
e maximum removal e ciency using Moringa Oleifera and the EC process was COD (85.48%), BOD (78.50%), TDS (84.5%),
phosphate (95.70%), TSS (93.90%), color (94.50%), and COD (90.50%), BOD (87%), TDS (97.50%), phosphate (89.10%), TSS
(95.80%), and color (96.15%), respectively. Similarly, with the application of MOAEC, 91.47%, 89.35%, 97.0%, 90.20%, 9.10%, and
95.70% of COD, BOD, TDS, phosphate, TSS, and color were removed, respectively. e EC process and MOAEC were more
e ective in the removal of COD, BOD, TDS, TSS, and color than using MO. More phosphate was removed using MO than the EC
process and MOAEC. Additionally, the e ects of di erent operating parameters were studied on the removal e ciency.