dc.description.abstract |
The overall objective of this study was to assess the Implementation of Business Process Re-engineering
in TVET Institutes of Jimma zone, and determine the major challenges in its implementation process. To
achieve this purpose, descriptive survey research design was employed. The quantitative approach was
mainly used by supplementing with qualitative methods. In the study all the 5 Jimma Zone TVET institutes
were included through availability sampling. Moreover, by using availability sampling technique 194
TVET instructors, 5 deans, 73 administrative staffs and 1 Jimma Zone TVET head, a total of 276
respondents were participated. Data was collected using questionnaires as the main instrument while
interview and document analysis were also used to supplement the qualitative data. In analyzing
quantitative data percentage, frequency and t-test for independent Sample were used. The qualitative data
was thematically analyzed. this obtained results exposed that most of planning activities were carried out
for the sake of formality and found to be unrealistic to expect genuine result from the implementation of
BPR; the implementation of BPR in Jimma zone TVET institutions were not considered to be effective as
a result of lack of supports from the process owners, lack of resources, lack of formal and continuous
supports. Hence, the implementation of BPR did not bring about the intended result although certain
improvements were marked in terms of the reductions of the time required for the task accomplishment
and workloads. The less effectiveness in BPR implementation was due to lack of leaders’ commitment,
employees’ motivations, lack of continuous monitoring and support for the implementation of BPR was
the major ones. Finally, possible recommendations were forwarded. Consequently, Jimma zone TVET
institutes in collaboration with higher educational institutes such as Jimma University are recommended
to strive and ensure the availability of necessary skill and knowledge within the experts by bridging any
gap exists through short term trainings; Jimma zone TVET institutes’ leaders are also advised to ensure
the provision of adequate finance, appointment of qualified personnel, to conduct continues supervision
and support. Furthermore, Regional Education Bureau, Zonal Education Department and Jimma zone
TVET institutes are advised to continuously monitor organized system of follow up by preparing
guidelines and implementing them as per the level of their responsibilities |
en_US |