The purpose of the study was to investigate, the internal efficiency of secondary schools in Becho
woreda. In the study the promotion rates the repetition rate and dropout rates of the three
secondary schools were given attention. To achieve this objective, descriptive research design
and sequential mixed research method was used .The sampling techniques were availability
simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Dropped out students and repeated students
were sampled by availability techniques of sampling and simple random (cluster) sampling
techniques while teachers, principals, department heads P.T.A members and WEO department
heads members were sampled by purposive techniques of sampling .The quantitative data was
collected from principals, teachers, department heads, dropped out students and repeated
students. Some qualitative data were collected from PTAs, W.E.O and some from principals
through interview and analyzed by idea relationships. The responses collected were through
questionnaire were analyzed and interpreted by using frequency count, percentage, mean and
standard deviation. For inferential statics t-test was employed to compare department heads
with principals and repeated students with dropped out students. The study finding by cohort
analysis showed that average promotion rate was 55.67%, repetition rate was 30.85%, and
dropout rate was 13.34% at fluctuating trend which is not persistent or consistent. Based on the
research findings the researcher identified many causes and factors for low promotion rate,
repetition rate and dropout rates, such as socio economic factors, administrative factors,
teachers related factors, student related factors, school related factors ,principals or managerial
ability, qualification of some teachers, students educational background, parents awareness
about education, economic background of the family, family divorce, distance of home to school,
lack of ICT materials, lack of class room ,lack of students text books ,lack of girl students toilets
facilities, children’s labor abuse, lack of library, lack of laboratory and materials, were the main
problems of dropouts, repetitions and low promotion rates respectively. To solve the problems
the researcher recommends, actions to enhance parents’ literacy and parents’ awareness
program, enhance school resources and facilities, decreasing children’s labor abuse by
discussing with families. Besides, school administrators have to be committed to work hard, with
families of the students, teachers and communities to provide persistent follow up, and play roles
to increase enrollments, and promotion and decrease repetitions and dropouts respectively