The purpose of this study was to investigate the practices and challenges of school based
management in primary schools ofYemspecial Woreda, SNNP Regional State Ethiopia. The
descriptive survey design with concurrent collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative
data was employed. The study included 128 teachers, 15 principals, 4 cluster resource center
schools supervisors, 66 PTA and 96 school board members who were respectively selected in
simple random and availability sampling techniques. All primary sources of data were assessed
through questionnaires, open ended questions and document analysis. The descriptive and
inferential statics were used to analyze data from questionnaires. Whereas FG discussion with
PTA and KETB members on open ended questions and document analysis were narrated and
explored in words.As a result of the investigation the staff development and instructional
leadership process were perceived at adequate level of practice. Besides the students’ gross and
net enrollment rate as well as fair or equal enrollment rate of female to male students’, the
students’ dropout and repetition rate at every grade and in grade 8th regional exam was also
improving from year to year. In opposite the study also found that the SBM practices in the
primary schools were constrained with problems such as: Inconsistency of mentoring newly
employed teachers, Lack of providing school based on job training and evaluating its effect on
staff development, Inadequate practice of participatory decision making, Lack of effective
monitoring and evaluation procedures and Inconsistency of providing effective supervisory
function, Inadequate survival rate of students both at first and second cycle primary grades, Low
participation of pupils in class room instruction, Inability of students in cooperative learning
skills, Low achievement of students in reading, writing and arithmetic skills, Lack of parental
support and Inability of making conducive school environment whichattract students for
learning.Therefore I had concluded that the SBM practices were not effectively implemented in
Yem special wereda primary schools.Finally I wasrecommended stakeholder such as the
wereda’s education office heads and expertise, the CRCs supervisor, the principals and teachers
in YemWoreda primary schools must give due attention to improve the SBM practices.