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An Assessment of Challenges and Prospects of FreshmanStudents Orientation for Department Choice: The Case of Jimma University

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dc.contributor.author Tadesse Regassa
dc.contributor.author Worku Fentie
dc.date.accessioned 2021-01-25T07:47:45Z
dc.date.available 2021-01-25T07:47:45Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.ju.edu.et//handle/123456789/5302
dc.description.abstract The purpose of the s tud y was to ass ess the nature of orientation given fo r ad mis s io n of fres h man students wit hparticular emphasis to the th en Education Faculty an d Faculty of Social Sc iences and Hu man it ies , Jimma Un iv ers it y .Besides,factors that affect the process negatively were als o dimension of the study. To t h is end, descriptive research method wasemp loyed. The s tud y population was second and t h ird year students of the two colleges and th en departments’ heads; theinstruments used to collect data were questionnaire (s tudents ), in t erv iew schedule (depart ments’ heads) and observation of an orientation h eld at the beginning of 200 9. The data t al lied and tabulated were analy zed using descriptive statistics. As theres u lt , what was found is that the orientation given to students seems to be advertisements in th e intention to win as ma n ystudents as p os s ib le wh ich is attributed to absence of well-established ru les and regulations coupled wit h lack of a s tructurewh ich ad min is t ers and controls the process. So, es t ab lis h in g ru les and regulations for ad mis s io n and orientation at co lleg e/university level and p lacin g a s tructure that ad min is t ers the en t ire process wit h res p o ns ib il it y and accountability is believedto s ubs t ant ially a l lev iat e the problems prevailing en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Nature of Or ien t at io n en_US
dc.subject Admission of Freshman Students en_US
dc.subject Orientation en_US
dc.subject Advertisement en_US
dc.subject Practical Orientation Observation en_US
dc.title An Assessment of Challenges and Prospects of FreshmanStudents Orientation for Department Choice: The Case of Jimma University en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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