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A History Of Sokoru District, Jimmma Zone, To 2010

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dc.contributor.author Jiregna, Feredagobena
dc.contributor.author Ketebo, Abdiyo
dc.contributor.author Belay, Beyene
dc.date.accessioned 2023-10-04T07:42:32Z
dc.date.available 2023-10-04T07:42:32Z
dc.date.issued 2022-12
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.ju.edu.et//handle/123456789/8484
dc.description.abstract This study analyzes a history of Sokoru District up to 2010. By focusing on local data mainly argaadhageettii (oral information) carefully gathered from key informants especially elders and supplemented with available written materials. The pertinent source recorded was qualitatively analyzed based on historical research methods mainly disruptive and narrativestyles. The thesis explores socio-political, economic and cultural aspects. The thesis begins with a description and analysis of the Oromo in the area by taking into account the sixteenth century. Oromo movement and the subsequent developments facilitated the present settlement pattern of the Maccaa Oromo. It also showed the expansion of the Sadacha group of Maccaa to the Gibe region, which gradually changed way of economic life and socio-political progresses witnessed in the Gibe region. Furthermore, the thesis attempts to assess the socio-political, economic and cultural progresses and a history of Mufti Sadekiyo in the expansion of Islam into the Sokoru district and its sorrounding. The flourishing of trade was followed by the introduction and deep-rooted Islamization of the the Sokoru District. The paper also sheds light on the bilingualism and lagacies of Italian period in the Sokoru District. In addition this thesis discussed traditional religion that practiced by a society.This thesis also highlights the impact of the incorporation of Sokoru on the socio-economic and political system of the Oromo of the area and the changes and continuities that occurred. Finally, it pinpoints the reaction and/ or the adaptations to the changing socio-political, economic system and developments of infrastructure in the twentieth century to 2010. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title A History Of Sokoru District, Jimmma Zone, To 2010 en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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