The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between school principals’ leadership
effectiveness and teacher job satisfaction (TJS) in secondary schools in Yem special woreda.
Hence, it identified school principals` effectiveness in leading schools as well as the significant
correlation between leadership effectiveness and teachers’ job satisfaction. The study used a
correlational survey research design. This study used a mixed research method. A total of 86
populations participated in the study. Among them, 81 teachers were included through simple
random sampling techniques. Additionally, four school principals’ and one vice principal's
working in the selected schools were sampled. Questionnaires and interviews were the main
instruments of data collection. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively by using the mean,
the average of the distribution of the responses, and the standard deviation in descriptive
statistics (the distribution of responses around the mean) and in inferential statistics (Pearson
correlation) to identify the relationship between two variables. Based on the analysis of this
study, conclusions were drawn and the findings identified. Most of teacher in Yem special
woreda were satisfied with the job related to level of job, school leadership, staff members,
opportunity for promotion, rule and regulation and responsibility. The least satisfying aspects
among them were the teacher’s job satisfaction related to work condition. The satisfaction of
teachers on their relationship between leadership effectiveness and teacher job satisfaction in
secondary schools of Yem Special Wedda was strong since the result of the analyzed correlation
was (r = 0.262 with p 0.05). Based on the findings, it is recommended that the satisfaction of
teachers in their jobs be improved through implementation activities that will create satisfaction
in teachers in their jobs in the secondary school.