This study was conducted to assess Effectiveness of School Based-Supervision in Improving School
Performance in Government Secondary Schools of Jimma Town. A descriptive survey design was
employed and purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques were employed to select
7 government secondary schools with 3 cluster supervisors, 7 school principals, 47 school based
supervisors and 50 teachers who were included in this study. Questionnaire was the main
quantitative data gathering tool in which 47 school based supervisors and 50 teachers filled the
questionnaires. An interview was also conducted with 7 school principals and FGD with 3 cluster
supervisors. Totally 107 respondents were participated in this research. The quantitative data was
analyzed by using mean scores and T-test for teachers and school based supervisor’s respondents by
using SPSS v.26.o. The main findings come out from this study were: shows the effectiveness of
school based supervision in improving school performance was very poor (the mean score was less
than 3.00): school based supervisors did not prepare clear and well-organized plan for school based
supervision and with the deficiency of implementing properly and efficiently to improve school
performance, because the mean score shows less than 3.00; the actual school based supervisory
practices were not aligned with the expected standards of school based supervision in improving
school performance (the mean score shows low performance/ less than 3.00); the teachers' attitude
towards school based supervisory activities was negative and school based supervision activities
faced several challenges that hinder its effectiveness in school performance improvement. Based on
the findings, it is concluded that school based supervision activities were not implemented according
to their principle to the expected level to improve school performance and the school based
supervision practice encountered many challenges; It is recommended that school based supervisors
need to give due attention for each and every school based supervision activities to improve school
performance, exert their effort to change the teachers' negative perception towards school based
supervision activities through open discussions to convince them and overcome the encountered
challenges by providing training programs, by reducing the workload of school based supervisors
and by selection of school based supervisors in collaboration with the concerned bodies of education
sector ( MoE, Regional Education Bureau, ZEo, WEo, CRC, and schools) and with other