The purpose of this study was to assess the practice of communicative grammar teaching
Approach in secondary schools. To this end, two secondary schools in Bonga town were
Purposively selected to conduct the study. All 13 English language teachers who taught
English at grade ten and 396 (50%) grade ten students from both schools were subjects of
The study. Descriptive research design was used to conduct a study and necessary data were
Collected through questionnaire (for both teachers and students), classroom observation
And document analysis. Then, the collected data were analyzed using both qualitative and
Quantitative methods.
The study revealed that teachers have high theoretical understanding of communicative
Grammar teaching. However, they were not practically applying their knowledge in actual
Classroom. On the other hand, the study revealed that grammar lessons in the students’
Textbook were not helpful to implement communicative grammar effectively. The study
Further showed that teachers did not present grammar lesson in context and failed to apply
Pair and group work in grammar lessons.
Based on the findings it is recommended that training institutions need to give high
Attention to practical application of communicative grammar teaching. Additionally,
Teachers need to adapt different communicative activities and use effective techniques that
Will help students to develop their grammar knowledge. Moreover, Grammar lessons in
Grade 10 student textbook needs to be modified based on the principles of communicative
Grammar teaching.