The main objective of this study was to assess challenges of basket ball participation in East
Wollega zone preparatory schools Oromia regional state. to achieve the intended objective of
this study descriptive research method was used with qualitative and quantitative approaches. In
the qualitative approach qualitative data were collected from eight physical education teachers
and eight principals of eight preparatory schools through interview questions. In the quantitative
approach questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from three hundred sixty (360)
sample students of eight preparatory schools. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively in
text explanations and quantitatively through descriptive statistical analysis using percentages,
frequencies , mean and standard deviations . On the basis of the analysis made of this study the
findings of this study were identified. Therefore, the findings of this study were: the challenges
that have challenged the participation of students in the learning process of basket ball lesson in
physical education program of the selected preparatory schools of East Wollga zone were lack of
enough instructional materials, absence of enough time that allotted for the basket ball lessons,
Absence of enough basket ball court for practical lessons in the preparatory school, absence of
enough basket ball, lack of motivation for students, lack of suitable class room environment is
not well established and reinforced constantly by both teachers and students, presences of
different interests towards basketball lessons in the students and class size especially in
theoretical lessons, the attitude of teachers towards the participation of students in the basket
ball lesson in physical education program was not observed as required and as compared to
other activities of physical education lesson the participation of students in learning basket ball
lesson was less than the participation in football and volley ball. Finally, on the basis of the
above findings recommendations are given at the last part of this study under chapter five.