This historical researchers paper to present briefly the historical foundation of kurfa chale town from its
early years in 1924 up to 1991.It is written in four chapters.The first chapter is general background of
urbanization in the world, Africa and Ethiopia. The second chapter is historical foundation of kurfa chale
town from 1924 up to 1991. Kurfa chale town during Italian occupation, during the Imperial regime and
during the Military dictatorship.
The three chapter is social institutions and social service of the town. The last chapter is the socioeconomic activities of kurfa chale town. This paper is written on the basis of the some published and
unpublished material largely on the oral informants. The major difficulties which I had faced in the
course of doing this paper was the scarcity of published materials. As some people told no any written
documents in the town municipality. Finally ,since did the research selectively on the kurfa chale town, it
was the will or the researchers that the paper can be used for other researchers activities in the town
source for other researchers and reading about kurfa chale town.