The role of religion institution in conflict and peace building has all too often been
depicted in binary terms: it is seen as a source either of violence or of reconciliation. This study
is to explore the role and potentials of religious institutions and examine how effective conflict
resolution mechanisms using and how it works in Gomma Woreda. The study design was
descriptive qualitative approach fifty-four (54) informants were participated in the interview.
These informants were selected by using purposive sampling technique. In-depth interview, key
informant interviews, two FGDs (one with religious institution leaders and one with religious
followers), observation and document analysis were utilized for data collection mechanism. Data
for this study was collected from January to March 2017. The study found that various types of
conflicts existed in the specific Woreda. Conflict types like, family, ethnic, Dynamics of interest,
conflict among neighbors, individual`s conflict and Inter-Religious conflict are the main types.
The study also found out that religious institutions and religious leaders in conflict resolution
from each respective religious institution are well versed in their specific religion and cultural
set up of the community. As a starting point for a more meaningful analysis, this research aims
to find the cause , and type of conflicts resolved by religious institutions, and the role of religious
institutions and responsibility of religious followers in conflict resolution. There are various
conflict resolution mechanisms alternatives used to settle conflicts. Religious dispute settlement
is one of such mechanisms. It is rather obvious that mainly religious leaders have had important
role in conflict aversion. This research puts forward several recommendations for religious
leaders to aware the followers about the cause of conflict, and conflict resolution.