The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of school based
management in secondary schools of East Showa Zone. Hence, it examined the core conditions
that support the practices of SBM: power, knowledge and skills, information, rewards,
instructional guidance, leadership, and resource and community participation. To accomplish
this purpose, the study employed a descriptive survey method, which is supplemented by
qualitative research. The study was carried out in randomly selected seven (40%) secondary
schools of East Showa Zone. Then, 142 teachers were selected using random sampling
techniques particularly lottery method. 35 SBM members (14 school principals and 21 PTAs
member) were included in the study by using census and purposive sampling respectively. 7
KETB members and 7 PTA head were involved in the study by using simple random sampling
and purposive sampling techniques respectively. Questionnaire was the main instrument of data
collection. Interview and document analysis were also utilized to validate the data gained
through the questionnaire. Percentage, mean, standard deviation and independent sample t test
were employed to analyze the quantitative data, while qualitative data which was obtained
through open ended questions, interview, and document analysis were analyzed using narration.
The results of the study revealed that, the practices of SBM on supporting conditions, power,
knowledge and skills, information, and curriculum and instruction were sufficiently practiced.
The practices of secondary school influence on decisions related to budget, curriculum, and
instructions are adequate. However, the practices on rewards, leadership, and resources and
community participation were insufficiently practiced. Teachers and community participation in
school decision making were marginal to participate across the full range of school decision.
Furthermore, inability of school leaders in searching external fund, features of leadership, work
load for school principals, lack of collaborative school management, lack of participatory
decision making, lack of support from stakeholders, capacity of school principals to build team
and mobilize parents and local communities, and loss of consensus, commitment, and awareness
among the school level actors hinder proper implementation of school based management. From
the result of the findings, it possible to conclude that, there is little gap between policy intentions
and actual practices. Finally, recommendations were drawn based on the findings. The point of
the recommendations include: training opportunities on SBM reform for stakeholders through
seminars, workshops and discussion forums about the reform, disperse power throughout the
school organization so that many stakeholders participate in decision-making, make professional
development an going school wide activity, select principals who can lead and delegate ,ensure
sustainable participation of the community through awareness creation and local public
relations, create and maintain a properly scheduled and organized formal monitoring and
evaluation to enhance the SBM progress. Moreover, suggestions were forwarded to
alleviate/solve the factors that hinder proper practices of SBM reform