The primary objective of this study was to investigate the quality of education, research and service in Jimma
University. To attain this objective, a cross sectional survey method was used and the target population of regular students,
teachers, department heads, and units of student support services. The findings of the study revealed that Jimma University
has used different means to disseminate its mission, vision and values to its staff through various approaches. The University
has also made its level best to enhance the quality of education through the implementation of continuous assessment, active
learning approach, e-learning, remedial and affirmative action and application of community-based training. However, there
was a variation among colleges and Institutes in their performance and hence the academic program and quality assurance
director should do its level best to maintain uniformity among these units of the University. Students were also highly
complaining the services provided in the university such as cafeteria, dormitory, student clinic and guidance and counseling
and it requires the office to develop the capacity of counselors, nurses, lab technicians, pharmacists and cafeteria workers