This study aims to examine the role of small-scale irrigation development to assure household
food security in drought prone Woreda of LalibelaNorth Wollo Zone, Amhara region. Its main
objective being the study of the impact of irrigation on household food security, paying
particular attention to its contribution towards increasing agricultural production, household
income and the potential to reduce dependency on food assistance. The study also looks at the
management and operation processes of irrigation schemes and its role to performance level of
To serve these objectives, household survey, focus group discussion and key informant interview
were used to collect data at household and individual level. Annual household production,
income generated, asset owned and other socio-economic data were collected using structured
questionnaire with the help of locally recruited and semi-trained enumerators. Background
information of the study area, irrigation potential, food aid, beneficiaries, and market survey
data were gathered from concerned government line departments and institutions operating in
the Woreda.
The finding of the study highlights the positive impact of irrigation development in that it helps to
sustain, diversify and increased agricultural production. Irrigation enables farmersto generate
more income and maintain productive assets like draught oxen. The study alsorevealed that
irrigation promotes the use of agricultural inputs through supply of waterduring the dry season
and when the amount and distribution of the main rain is found to beinadequate. Such
opportunities of irrigation improve food availability and food securitysituation of irrigation
The result of this study also shows that households with access to irrigation have been ableto
double their annual income through the production of high value horticultural crops.Irrigation is
providing gainful self-employment for participants and improving householdaccess to
marketable food. Moreover, households could diversify their diet composition andfound at a
better nutrition status due to diversified food sources produced through the use ofirrigation