urbidity is one part of the physical characteristics of wastewater that is highly observed in domestic wastewater. The elec trocoagulation process is an efective method by applying only electric current with sacrifcial electrodes for the removal
of turbidity from domestic wastewater under the consideration of diferent operating parameters. In this study, current
(0.03–0.09 A), pH (3–9), and reaction time (15–45 min) were considered as operating parameters using Al–Fe and Fe–Al
electrode combinations. The highest removal efciency was achieved 91.23% and 96% at current − 0.09 A, pH—9, and
reaction time—45 min using Al–Fe and Fe–Al electrode combinations respectively. The mathematical and statistical data
were analyzed and also maximum optimization of the experimental investigation using response surface methodology was
91.053% for Al–Fe and 96.68% for Fe–Al electrode combination. The interaction of diferent operating parameters indicated
that, the model was valid. In addition to this, the model was validated based on the percentage absolute error of deviation
(AED)<10% and the regression coefcient (R2
)> 0.7. Estimation of the operating cost of electrocoagulation was done for
both electrode combinations depending on selected operating parameters that were based on energy consumption, electrode
consumption, and cost of chemicals used up during the investigation