The main objective of this thesis is to reconstruct the agro-ecological history of the Konteb district from
the 1940s to 2003. The study covers the time from the imperial regime of the 1940s up to the outbreak of
the drought in 2003. The study critically analysis those developments of the period under discussion with
special emphasis on the agro-ecological changes. The data are organized in a chronological,
sociocultural, socioeconomic, and ecological theme, thereby examining the interrelationship between
these themes. By using archival, oral, and written secondary sources. The thesis gives an analysis of the
interrelationships between these factors that may indicate change and sustainability in the district. This
thesis analysis land tenure agricultural activities the environmental and human relationship during the
imperial regime, Derg, and during the second decade of EPRDF. The resettlement and villagization
program during Derg and its impacts on the agroecology of the district is also analyzed. It also showed
the indigenous knowledge of environmental conservation and the role indigenous labor cooperatives,
particularly the local institutions are known by local names, such as Geejja, Dawwa, Gillasenaa, and
Seera. All are reciprocal labor services rendered to each member of the cooperative association and how
the natural forest has been depleted as a result of the economic purposes, particularly wood extraction for
charcoal, fuel, and timber, the agricultural extension was explored while woodlands, Shrublands, and
grasses have dramatically dwindled throughout the study period. Finally, it argues that harmony between
scientific knowledge and traditional wisdom for environmental protection and conservation would have
brought difference. Due to this, the best indigenous knowledge of the Konteb communities is the method of
environmentally home-garden agriculture.