This study analyzed a socio- economic history of the Majang people who lived in the study area
since the occupation of the area by Menelik II in 1890s until the down fall of the Derg regime in
1991. The consequence of centralization coincided with the arrival of different ethnic groups
from different parts of Ethiopia. The period was also seen as the Majang people‟s interaction
with the central government. Livelihood of the Majang community depended on the forest from
which they obtained food and other resources necessary for their life. The favorable environment
and climatic condition of the Majang zone enabled the society to practice different agricultural
activities. Thus, the society used to cultivate various crops, for local consumption.
The year 1960s recognized as the new era in the life of the Majang community. The main
important thing at that time was they accepted Christianity and they abandoned traditional belief
preached by Odola in the Majang land. Before 1970s, the Majangir were non-village societies
and lived in scattered manner, which helped them easy escape from their enemy.
The implementation of villagization policy at the end of 1970s among the Majang that led them
to abandon the custom of movement from place to place and many Majang people established
their villages along the main roads and Church. This influenced the later way of life (livelihood
activity) of the Majangir and many changes have seen afterwards. The Därg government
contributed a lot to the Majang people to improve their living conditions by providing them with
clothes, different crop seeds and farming tools. During this period, Coffee also became main
source of income for the community because the government supply of important support.