The main aim of this study is to reconstract the socio-economic history of Debre Markos town
from1936-1991. The study covers the period from the begning of Italian invasion until the
removal of the Derg regime. In the period from 1936-1991, the peoples of the town like other
towns people of different region observed important socio-economic and political development.
The thesis begins with a historical survey of the town by surveying different development from its
foundation, the interference of Italian and the reforms that took place after libration of Italian
invasion and what kind of reform during the Derg regime, the study focuses to assess different
changes and development that the town had gone through especially in socio-economic aspect.
I tried to show the major progresses of the town in the fileld of tax begin from collection in kind
to currency; the use of political power, exploitation, social domination, land holding and
violence. How and when the town achived its basic institutes for the acceleration of both
economic and social integration. I also tried to indicate basic socity cultural traditions that
implemented in the town. To show the above progress I carefuly utilized archival source,oral
informants and published and unpublished documents through crosschecking in the
reconstraction of modern socio-economic history of our town. These sources were ablible in
DMUCA, NALA, IES and from DMU liberary, Public library of Däbrä Markos and Kenedy
liberary of Addis Ababa.