Problems in provision of adequate water supply to the rapidly growing urban population in
developing countries are increasing dramatically. Losses could be caused by various factors and
be considered as the amount of potable water loss from a supply source in transmission and
distribution system. The need to manage water loss in pipe networks of most municipalities
became urgent in recent years due to water shortages. The main objective of this study was to
evaluate the water supply coverage and explore water loss in the distribution system of Chancho
Town. Surveys, unstructured interviews, focus group discussion, and observation was used to
triangulate the findings of the quantitative survey. Software such as WaterCAD6.5 and GIS
map10 to be used for analysis. The study was carried out in Chancho Town and the population is
26,745 and the study would identify and analysis the water supply coverage and total water loss
in distribution system in Chancho Town. The finding of this study showed that water supply
coverage and water loss in Chancho town are 56% and 22.16% respectively. The coverage of
the town water supply declines as time goes on from 2011-2015G.C. However, floating
population who shares from the daily water proceed, for hospitals, hotels and health centers
contributed to the water shortage of the town. In 2013 and 2015 water supply coverage was
higher comparing with 2012. Drilling two different boreholes in each year to be utilized the
coverage. The water loss trend of the town was fluctuating from year to year. This could be due
to road, and hotels construction in Chancho Town and breakage of pipes was occurred, and this
maximized water loss. Water loss was increases in 2014 comparing with 2015 because
expansion of construction started. This study found out average per capita consumption was
much lower as compared with some water supply standards. Uneven distribution of water and
the spatial distribution of the pipe network system do not satisfy the demand of the public. The
water loss in Chancho Town was intermediate and loss was increase and decrease, depending
on time of construction.