Many people in the world are living with chronic
diseases, demanding continuous monitoring, diagnosis, and treat ment. Continuous physiological monitoring is key to providing
preventive healthcare and accurate disease diagnosis, which leads
to a growing demand for autonomous wearable technology.
Wearable devices acquiring physiological information from the
patient demand high-power efficiency to operate in a continuous
acquisition mode. While power-saving techniques are applied in
wearable devices for many application, very few are considered
for biomedical applications. In this work, we explore existing
techniques of power reduction for wearable medical devices.
Our analysis addresses the power reduction of wearable medical
devices and their generalization for different medical signal
processing applications. In addition, we propose a taxonomy
for power-saving techniques. The common categories of power saving techniques are task scheduling, clock management, signal
compression, and energy awareness. The presented analysis iden tifies the most appropriate and combined low-power techniques
in wearable devices to reduce power consumption.